Upper East Side Slip and Fall Lawyer

Due to the constant flow of foot traffic as well as near constant construction, it is easy to come across a tripping hazard on the Upper East Side. Slip and fall injuries do not just happen on public sidewalks and streets, however. They routinely occur inside markets, shops, and even private residences.

If you have suffered a slip and fall injury on the property of another person, or business, a call to our team of Upper East Side slip and fall lawyers could be worth your time. The cost of recovering from these injuries is substantial, and a successful claim could help offset those expenses.

The team at Douglas & London has represented slip and fall accident victims for years. We have built our successful practice by putting our client’s needs first and helping them achieve their goals. Contact us today to consult directly with a skilled slip and fall lawyer.

Common locations of slip and fall injuries

While a viable claim can arise anywhere, some locations are more common than others. Examples of sites where slip and fall injuries are common includes:

  • Corner stores
  • Sidewalks
  • Grocery stores
  • Office buildings
  • Private residences
  • Public sidewalks

The strength of your claim will depend on a few factors. If a hazard was open and obvious, a jury is unlikely to award you damages when they feel you should have avoided it on your own. Your compensation will also depend on the property owner’s opportunity to address the hazard.

If the condition that caused your fall occurred moments before the accident, the property owner would likely argue it is unreasonable to hold them accountable. On the other hand, if a property owner ignores a hazard for hours, days, or even years, they are more likely to face responsibility.

Slip and fall injuries

The injuries related to a slip and fall accident can turn your life upside down. While some are little more than an inconvenience, others can dramatically affect your independence or quality of life. A skilled slip and fall attorney can help if it is the latter.

Serious injuries common to a slip and fall include:

  • Broken or injured neck
  • Broken bones
  • Brain trauma
  • Internal bleeding
  • Bruises and cuts
  • Paralysis

Work with our team of Upper East Side slip and fall lawyers

The cost of a slip and fall injury can wreak havoc on your finances. Watching medical bills stack up is difficult enough when you are fully employed. Watching this while you are too injured to work is even worse.

At Douglas & London, we will help obtain just and fair compensation for you. To discuss your claim in detail, contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation interview right away.