How Do I Overcome Driving Anxiety After an Accident?

You can take things slowly. Start with short, easy drives, preferably in the company of a supportive traveling companion. You can also take a defensive driving course, talk things over with a counselor, or discuss your case with a qualified personal injury lawyer.

Sometimes the worst injuries are invisible to others

Many times, the trauma caused by an accident goes beyond physical injuries. It can manifest with long-term emotional suffering as well.

This doesn’t mean that you’re powerless in the face of this, however. There are several ways for you to manage your post-accident anxiety and regain control of your life, including:

  • Going for short, simple drives: Start with something simple, such as a trip to your local convenience store or food market. It helps to have an understanding, compassionate person in the vehicle with you.
  • Assembling a team of supportive friends and family members: Let your loved ones shoulder some of the pain you feel at this difficult time. Reach out to them.
  • Taking a defensive driving course: This is a great way to reacquaint yourself with the fundamentals of safe driving. It can also give you a much-needed sense of empowerment, as your self-confidence grows along with your skills.
  • Making an appointment with a professional counselor: Don’t let stigmas about mental health keep you from getting the help you need. Talking to a counselor can be your first step on the road to lasting psychological and physical recovery.
  • Revisiting the site of the accident (when you’re ready): It may take some time for you to work your way up to this important step. But the effort will more than pay for itself as you put the past behind you and look forward to the future.
  • Practicing systematic relaxation exercises: Such as slow, controlled breathing, tensing and un-tensing your muscles, and countering anxious thoughts with meditation. You’ll find many books and online videos that can help you to learn these techniques.

Why trying to “tough it out” alone is never a good idea

Sometimes accident victims resist the idea of reaching out to others for help. Yet while a stoic, self-reliant attitude can sometimes be beneficial, it’s likely to backfire when applied to post-accident anxiety. Here’s why:

  • Suppressing negative emotions won’t make them go away: When these emotions finally come to the surface, the results can be harmful, and even debilitating.
  • Unresolved emotional issues can often have grave physical consequences: Including high blood pressure, digestive issues, rapid heart rate, and insomnia—all of these conditions run counter to your primary goal, which is to enjoy a full recovery.
  • Dealing with some aspects of an auto accident requires professional expertise: This is especially true when it comes to handling insurance companies and deciding whether to pursue legal action. Insurers and negligent parties have their own interests in mind. You need someone in your corner who will watch out for yours.

That brings us to the topic of choosing the right law firm to represent you. Here are some key things to keep in mind when making this important choice:

  • Words are great, but results are what count: For example, the New York City personal injury lawyers here at Douglas & London have recovered more than $18 billion for their clients over the years. Can other law firms say the same?
  • There’s no reason to pay out-of-pocket fees: Any attorney worth your time will offer free consultations and contingency terms as a matter of policy.
  • You need a law firm with 24/7 availability: Look for a law office like Douglas & London. Someone from our staff is available anytime day or night, 365 days a year.

Get in touch with our New York City car accident lawyers today to find out more about what we can do for you.