Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Settlement Amounts

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If you or your family became ill due to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune from August 1953 through December 1987, you may be wondering how much you can expect to receive for your injuries or whether it’s worth pursuing a lawsuit at all.

While settlements have been a long time coming, we’re finally starting to see progress after the passage of the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act in August 2022. Personal injury attorneys are now able to file lawsuits on behalf of thousands of U.S. military veterans and their family members. Previously, the Federal Tort Claims Act had prevented class actions and mass torts.  

Continue reading to learn how much money veterans have received so far, how much has been set aside for resolving claims, and what factors might determine your settlement amount. Contact Douglas and London at any time to learn more about pursuing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit.

How Much Have Camp Lejeune Settlements Amounted To in the Past?

The VA has been providing Camp Lejeune-related medical care for free and settling Camp Lejeune water exposure claims on a case-by-case basis since President Obama signed the Camp Lejeune Families Act in 2012.

Initially, Congress set aside $2 billion in disability benefits for people exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.

A few past Camp Lejeune water contamination settlement amounts include:

  • $100,000 settlement in 2022 for a Marine diagnosed with kidney cancer
  • $1.1 million award in 2021 for a veteran diagnosed with bladder cancer

The Congressional Budget Office estimates they’ll pay at least $6.7 billion to affected families over 10 years. This amount can go up or down, but it provides a strong signal that Congress will stand up for veterans and provides the Justice Department with a solid starting point for settlement offers.

What Determines the Size of a Camp Lejeune Settlement?

Factors determining the size of a Camp Lejeune settlementinclude:

  • Duration and nature of exposure to contaminated water
  • The type of injury sustained, with cancer and Parkinson’s cases likely paying higher
  • The amount of economic and non-economic damages sustained
  • How much has been paid in VA benefits already for these damages
  • Whether the case is determined in MDL or class action proceedings

Are You Eligible to File a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit?

The best way to estimate how much your Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit might be worth is to discuss the details of your claim with a lawyer who has experience with mass torts involving toxic exposure and government litigation. All initial consultations with the experienced attorneys at Douglas & London are provided free of charge, with no obligation to pursue a lawsuit.

We are currently assisting all personnel and their families who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1987 to pursue settlements for the harm they sustained from contaminated water. Explore your right to maximum compensation with a free consultation.