New York City Broken Bone & Bone Fracture Lawyers

Man With Leg Injury Using Laptop

The cost to repair a broken bone can be very high in New York State, whether you are insured or not. When a bone fracture arises from another person’s negligence, recklessness, or misconduct, you can be eligible to receive third-party compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Contact Douglas and London for a free consultation to find out how much you might expect, given the circumstances surrounding your accident.

Do You Need a Fracture Lawyer?

Bone fracture treatment can cost anywhere from $2,500 for a casted arm or leg to more than $35,000 for surgical fixation with rods and pins. You’ll be expected to pay for the emergency room or urgent care visit, doctor’s fees, lab fees, diagnostic imaging, the cost of materials, and potentially physical therapy as well.

Complications like nerve damage, infection, or soft tissue tears can increase the cost of care. You may be suffering from other injuries, in addition to the broken bone, that require treatment and time off work to heal. Working with a bone fracture lawyer will help you understand how the accident occurred, what could have been done to prevent it, where you can find the best local medical care, and how you’ll pay for out-of-pocket expenses. It helps to have an experienced firm’s support, so you can be sure you’re getting a fair deal.

What Type of Accidents Give Rise to A Broken Bone Claim?

Motor vehicle collisions are the most common reason for a broken bone claiminvolving negligence. The excessive force of the crash and the high speeds can cause several breaks, including:

  • Pelvis or hip fracture
  • Face/skull fracture
  • Leg/tibia/femur fracture
  • Arm fracture
  • Foot/ankle fracture
  • Hand/wrist fracture
  • Spine fracture
  • Clavicle fracture

Contact a personal injury attorney at Douglas and London if you or a loved one have been in a recent motor vehicle accident or if you have suffered a broken bone related to another type of accident, such as a:

How Much Can I Get for a Fracture Claimin Settlement or Jury Award?

Bone fracture settlements can range from the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands. Yet, many factors will be considered in determining how much compensation is considered fair, such as: 

  • Which bone was fractured – A femur might get a higher amount than a fibula or tibia. Shattered bones, multiple fractures, and bones requiring rod and pin internal fixation are also worth more.
  • How long recovery will take – Some fractures heal fully within a few months, while others result in chronic pain, the need for future surgeries, bone infections, and other complications.
  • Cost of medical care – Bone breaks requiring emergency medical treatment, surgery, and pain and suffering will receive more. Pain and suffering are often estimated by multiplying actual damages x 1-5.
  • Lifestyle – Fractures that interfere with lifelong hobbies, talents, or careers increase the settlement value. Single parents or individuals whose livelihood depends upon scarless beauty may fetch a higher amount.
  • Fault – The stronger the case for liability, the bigger the settlement value. For this reason, it’s essential to hire an experienced legal team that can build a substantial case using expert testimony.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Every case is different, so it’s best to schedule a free consultation with an NYC personal injury lawyer at Douglas and London. We’ll give you a realistic appraisal and help you understand what your claim is truly worth. Our investigators will examine areas of liability.

Further, we have the resources to hire outside experts who can bolster your claim and help us pursue a maximum value settlement or jury award in court. Best of all, you only owe a legal fee upon the successful resolution of your broken bone lawsuit. Time starts ticking on the date of your accident, so do not delay in having all your questions answered by our knowledgeable attorneys.