Flatbush Personal Injury Lawyers

A personal injury can happen anywhere, to anyone. In fact, some people may not realize they were hurt until much later. This might be the case with someone dealing with injuries resulting from medical malpractice or defective drugs. The common thread is that another person or party is responsible. A personal injury lawyer protects your rights, investigates the case, and holds those liable responsible for the harm they have caused.

The Flatbush personal injury lawyers of Douglas & London can help you receive the maximum compensation. There is no fee unless we win.

Types of personal injuries

As noted, there are many iterations—but, probably the most common are those caused by motor vehicles, whether a car, truck, or motorcycle. The injured parties in motor vehicle accidents may include the driver and passengers, as well as pedestrians or cyclists struck by it. Other types of injuries include:

  • Slip and fall – Also known as premises liability, these situations involve the property owner or tenant not maintaining their premises in a safe manner, thus contributing to the accident.
  • Defective products –We trust that products we purchase for ourselves, or our families are safe when used as directed. When a person uses a product correctly and is harmed, several entities may prove liable. This includes the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, and others.
  • Defective medical devices –A person may not immediately realize that a medical device implanted in their body is not working properly and may cause significant harm. An injury involving a defective medical device usually means additional surgeries for device removal and perhaps replacement with a safer alternative.

Some also result from criminal behavior, such as assault or sexual assault. While these matters are pursued in criminal court, the injured party may also sue the perpetrator in civil court for damages.

Personal injury damages in New York

In New York, damages, or compensation, may include:

  • Medical expenses, current, and future
  • Lost wages
  • Total loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Reduction in quality of life

It is important for someone dealing with this to keep good records and document all bills relating to the injury. That includes not only medical bills, but costs such as transportation to and from doctor’s appointments, the cost of childcare to keep these appointments, as well as payments you must make to other parties to perform work you cannot do, such as housecleaning.

Contact Flatbush personal injury lawyers

If the actions of another party caused you or a loved one to suffer, you need the services of an experienced personal injury attorney at Douglas & London. Call us anytime or contact us online to arrange a free consultation. Our dedicated lawyers have recovered more than $18 billion for our clients in verdicts and settlements. Every client is treated with compassion at this difficult time in their lives. Se Habla Español.