Car Accident Lawyers in New York

Douglas & London Has Secured Millions for Victims of Driver Negligence

Car accidents remain among the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in New York. According to the New York Police Department, nearly 8,000 collisions occurred throughout the five boroughs within July 2023 alone. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident due to the negligence of another party, you need a New York City car accident lawyer at Douglas & London.  

We leverage considerable resources, including an established network of forensics experts, investigators, medical professionals, and legal support staff. We work tirelessly so you have the best chance of recovering fair and reasonable compensation for your damages. Our New York personal injury attorneys at Douglas & London have recovered more than $18 million for injured parties—and we want to help you. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.  

Why You Need a New York Car Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident in New York, you might be entitled to damages for your losses. Unfortunately, recovering compensation can be complex. The good news is that you have the right to hire a personal injury lawyer in New York City to serve as your advocate for your claim. They can provide you with essential guidance every step of the way. This begins in the early stages of the case and continues until your claim is resolved.

Some of the reasons you need an attorney to handle your car accident include the following:

  • An attorney can answer your questions. If you have never been involved in a personal injury case, you likely have many questions about the process. Your attorney will review the facts of your case and answer any questions you have about the legal system and what to expect going forward.
  • An attorney can investigate your claim. An important early step in the process is determining how your accident occurred and who was at fault. A comprehensive investigation will provide your lawyer with a potential defendant and a theory of negligence.
  • They can negotiate with the other side. Many car accident claims are resolved via settlement negotiations. Settlements might be typical, but fair offers take time. Your attorney will leverage their experience to secure the best possible offer while advising you against accepting unreasonable amounts.
  • They will serve as your advocate. When you hire an attorney to handle your New York car accident claim, they can speak on your behalf. This includes communicating with insurance adjusters and other lawyers.
  • Attorneys can pursue litigation. There are times when filing a lawsuit is necessary because a fair agreement cannot be reached. It might be necessary to proceed to trial and argue the case before a jury of your peers. An attorney ensures you avoid pitfalls that could upend your case during litigation.

Settlement: $899,999: Auto Accident

Road worker’s truck was hit in the rear while parked on the highway doing work. Plaintiff was a decorated Desert Storm veteran and suffered herniated disc and required spinal laminectomy following as result of the accident.

Past success does not guarantee future outcomes.

Do I Need a New York Car Accident Lawyer After a Crash?

You need experienced and proactive legal representation because a car accident can have serious repercussions. Our New York injury lawyers understand how a devastating accident can impact survivors and their families. We will assess your case, explain your rights and legal options, and build a compelling and strong personal injury claim for damages. We investigate your accident, collect critical evidence, and communicate with insurance companies, attorneys, and other interested parties.  

We work hard to disprove claims you share liability for the accident to help you reach a fair settlement. While financial compensation cannot undo your pain and suffering, it can ease your financial burden, allowing you to focus solely on healing and moving forward. 

New York Car Accident Statistics

The Institute for Traffic Safety Management & Research  (ITSMR) partners with local, state, and national agencies to reduce car accident injuries and fatalities across New York. ITSMR crash data provides important clues about factors contributing to car accidents throughout New York.  

Statistics from 2022 car accidents across the state:  

  • More than 11,500 accidents involved serious injuries.  
  • More than 17,000 accidents resulted in moderate injuries.  
  • 254,000+ accidents involved property damage.  
  • Nearly 15,000 accidents involved pedestrians.  
  • Just over 7,800 accidents involved bicycles.  
  • 5,220 accidents involved motorcycles. 
  • 1,162 crashes were fatal.  

In addition, New York City, the most densely populated city, is a hotspot for collisions. Across the city, in 2022, there were 37,037 crashes, with more than 49,000 reported injuries. These injury totals include vehicle occupants, pedestrians, and cyclists.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motor Vehicle Car Accidents?

Why are crash rates in New York State increasing?  Here is a list of the leading causes of car accidents in the state and nationwide.  

  • Distracted Driving. Texting and driving are widespread, but there are many other unsafe activities. Anything that takes the driver’s hands off the wheel, eyes off the road, or diverts their attention is a distraction. It only takes 2-3 seconds of driver inattention to cause a catastrophic accident.  
  • Aggressive Driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as “the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.” Aggressive driving encompasses many unsafe behaviors, including speeding, brake checking, following too closely, running red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.  
  • Driver Inexperience. Inexperience is the leading cause of accidents involving teen drivers in New York. In most of these crashes, teens are not intentionally driving dangerously; they lack essential skills, which include adjusting speed for road conditions, avoiding common distractions, and scanning the road for possible hazards.  
  • Impaired Driving. Someone is hurt every two minutes in New York due to drunk driving. Despite the steep penalties for DWI in the state, the problem persists, especially among underage drivers, who comprise 5 percent of licensed drivers. However, they account for 14 percent of all fatal accidents. Even small amounts of alcohol can impact coordination, decision-making, and reaction time. If you’ve been in an accident with an impaired driver, your best resource is a car accident lawyer in NYC. 

Common NYC Car Accident Injuries  

If you suffered severe injuries in a car accident in New York City, filing a lawsuit against the responsible party could help you recover financially. However, insurers make it as difficult as possible to pay you back for your losses. Therefore, you need an experienced and dedicated lawyer to accurately calculate the costs of medical bills, lost wages, as well as the non-economic expenses of suffering caused by your injury. 

In New York City, there were 52,341 accidents reported in October 2022 for that year, based on preliminary data. That is an average of 303 car accidents a day that can cause injuries such as: 

  • Sprains
  • Burns
  • Scrapes
  • Paralysis
  • Broken bones
  • Bruises
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Eye injury
  • Contusions
  • Whiplash
  • Head injury, including concussion

Car accidents can also cause catastrophic injuries, defined as a major life-changing injury affecting not only the victim but also the family and loved ones around them. These types of injuries include: 

In addition, catastrophic injuries may shorten the life expectancy of someone. If you have suffered a life-altering car accident injury, you deserve justice and compensation. Douglas & London is here to fight on your behalf. 

How Much Compensation is Available for Car Accident Cases?

Every car accident case in New York City is different. Many elements will factor into what your claim is worth, such as the seriousness of your injuries and how much compensation is available–which depends on the at-fault party’s insurance policy. A Bronx car accident attorney can advise you on both of those issues.  

In general, however, the value of your case depends on the full extent of how the accident has impacted your life. You could be entitled to compensation based on your physical, emotional, and financial hardships stemming from the accident.  

You could be entitled to a wide range of damages, including the following: 

  • Lost wages 
  • Past and future medical bills 
  • Transportation costs to medical appointments 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Emotional distress 
  • Mental anguish 
  • Property damage 
  • Diminished future earning power 
  • Loss of consortium 
  • Expenses for medications, mobility assistance devices, and modifications to living space that are needed to facilitate the victim’s limitations due to injuries 

There is no way for an attorney to tell you with certainty what your case is worth. While our firm can advise you on the types of damages you could recover and the amount of compensation in similar cases, too many factors could ultimately impact your case’s outcome.  

It is also important to remember that the value of your claim is only part of the equation. The amount of compensation available to you also depends on what the at-fault party can pay. As noted above, these claims are paid out by their insurance company. However, liability policies have limits, and the insurance company is not obligated to pay more than that. If the defendant is uninsured, their personal assets are likely all that is available to pay a civil claim.  

When To File A Car Accident Claim?

You have three years to file a car accident injury claim. The longer you wait to seek legal counsel, the more likely you are to put your financial recovery at risk.   

First, waiting too long to file your car accident claim risks violating the statute of limitations, the deadline for every type of personal injury lawsuit. If you file your case after the deadline expires, the judge will likely dismiss your case. That means you are banned from re-filing your lawsuit or recovering compensation for your injuries.  

There are other practical reasons why a delay could work against you. The longer you take to speak with an attorney, the more difficult it becomes to build a successful case for negligence. Witness’s recollections can fade over time, and other evidence, such as CCTV footage, could be erased. The sooner you talk to a lawyer, the better your chances of a favorable outcome

What To Do After a Car Accident in New York

Being in a car accident is usually stressful. Knowing what steps to take after a crash to protect your safety and rights is important.  

  • First, assess everyone at the scene for injuries and call for help. If you do not require immediate emergency medical care, follow up with your healthcare provider to rule out internal injuries and other conditions that can worsen over time.  
  • Do your best to document the accident scene. Take pictures of the damage and the location of the crash. Ensure the police file a report.  
  • Exchange contact information with the other driver(s) before leaving the scene. Ask anyone who witnessed the accident for their name and phone number. 

Insurance companies may be quick to offer a settlement offer. However, they are motivated to pay out as little as possible, and accepting a settlement often means you lose the right to sue. It’s best to discuss your options with a New York car accident lawyer before making any significant decisions or communicating with the other driver’s insurance company. 

New York City No-Fault Insurance for Auto Accidents

New York is a no-fault accident state, meaning that your insurance company should cover the cost of your medical bills without requiring any proof of financial liability. This system allows for faster claims reimbursement because the parties do not have to prove fault to collect. 

No-fault insurance can cover the expense of the ambulance ride, x-rays, surgeries, nursing care, rehabilitation, physical therapy, medication, prosthetics, dental bills, mental health counseling, and lost wages up to 80% of the victim’s salary. It should also cover other reasonable and necessary expenses, such as transportation costs or household services. Funeral and burial expenses may be included in the event of a fatality. 

A bodily injury claim is different from a no-fault claim. If you were severely injured in an accident through little to no fault of your own, you are entitled to step outside the no-fault system and pursue a lawsuit to compensate you for medical expenses, lost wages, and future lost earning capacity.  

Compensation for a car accident can also include home modifications, property damage, physical pain, loss of enjoyment in life, emotional trauma, and pain and suffering. It helps to have a New York City car accident attorney advocating for you so that you are fairly compensated for all your damages and losses.

Schedule a Free Case Consultation with Douglas & London Today   

The time you have to take legal action is limited. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a top New York City car accident attorney as soon as possible after a serious car accident. With our guidance, you can avoid common missteps jeopardizing your case and your right to compensation. Call or connect online to reach our team 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From our Manhattan office, our team at Douglas & London proudly serves clients across New York City and the state. We work on a contingency basis, so there are no upfront legal fees.