Canarsie Slip and Fall Lawyer

One of the things that makes Canarsie special is the way that we all pitch in to make life better for everyone. No matter where we were born or what brought us here, at the end of the day, we’re all New Yorkers, with a stake in helping our community.

Part of our shared responsibility is helping to prevent injury-causing mishaps. With that in mind, we’d like to offer the following tips for avoiding fall-related accidents:

  • Wear the right shoes for the occasion: High heels and slick, leather-bottomed loafers are great for certain events. But rainy or icy weather calls for slip-resistant footwear that can stand up to the elements.
  • Avoid slippery or wet spots: The best strategy for dealing with slip hazards is to stay away from them altogether, even if this adds a few minutes to your journey. It’s better to be a little late and arrive at your destination safe and sound.
  • Keep your smartphone tucked away: Cell phone use is a leading cause of head and neck injuries, not only for drivers but also among pedestrians. In fact, some have compared smartphone use to public intoxication– both habits impair attention and motor skills.
  • Look ahead, not at your feet: The way to avoid a slip or fall hazard is to spot it long before reaching it. Even in New York, it’s possible to do this without invading other people’s personal space.
  • Look both ways twice before setting out across the street: Glancing in each direction only once can cause you to overlook a bicycle or automobile that’s headed right at you.

Call our experienced slip and fall attorneys for a free consultation!

While precautions are important, it’s possible to follow all of these tips and still end up in an accident. Should that occur, talking to a slip and fall attorney should be near the top of your to-do list. Here’s why: 

  • Medical care is costly: For example, New York ranks in the top 10 when it comes to costliest states for healthcare. The tab can add up quickly when you factor in the expenses associated with an emergency room visit.
  • Settlement offers are designed with the other party’s interests in mind: Both private businesses and public institutions do everything possible to avoid negative publicity. Often, this means trying to cover up accidents by offering a token settlement. Rarely do these arrangements work out in the victim’s favor.
  • Having a sympathetic ear to talk to is healing all by itself: If nothing else, talking to our team of Canarsie slip and fall lawyers is a good way to put the accident behind you and focus on the future.

We invite you to contact the slip and fall lawyers of Douglas & London if we can help in any way. We’re available 24/7– we offer free consultations, and our attorneys have recovered more than $18 billion for their clients during their combined years of practice. Slip and fall accidents can hit you hard. Hit back by getting in touch with us today. We work on contingency, so we don’t get paid until you do.