Brooklyn Heights Personal Injury Lawyers

We all have expectations in life. We expect a high standard of care in medicine, for other drivers to operate their vehicles safely, and for businesses to address safety hazards. Unfortunately, those expectations often fall short, and people get hurt. If this has happened to you, you might benefit from discussing your case with our Brooklyn Heights personal injury lawyers from Douglas and London.

We all have expectations in life. We expect a high standard of care in medicine, for other drivers to operate their vehicles safely, and for businesses to address safety hazards. Unfortunately, those expectations often fall short, and people get hurt. If this has happened to you, you might benefit from discussing your case with our Brooklyn Heights personal injury lawyers from Douglas and London.

When you are ready to pursue a lawsuit, contact a personal injury lawyer right away. Our experienced team has a long track record of successful injury claims, and we are ready to put those skills to use in your case. Call right away to schedule your free consultation.

Types of injury lawsuits we pursue

While not every accident that occurs in Brooklyn Heights will lead to a viable lawsuit, there are many claims our firm can pursue. They have many potential causes, but they do have one thing in common. Each one results from a negligent action from another party. Some of the most common types include:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Car, truck, or motorcycle accidents
  • Slip and fall injuries

Damages in a Brooklyn Heights personal injury lawsuit

Money cannot bring back a lost loved one or heal a permanent injury. However, monetary compensation can ease the transition following a catastrophic injury. It can also provide for the people who relied on you before you were hurt. A lawyer could file suit against the responsible party to help you recover the compensation you deserve and to hold the negligent person accountable. This is why you need a personal injury attorney. Damages commonly sought include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Diminished future earning capacity
  • Permanent disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of companionship
  • Disfigurement

Deadline to file suit in New York

New York, like every state, has adopted a deadline to file lawsuits known as the statute of limitations. It is intended to prevent a long delay between an injury and the ensuing litigation. If a plaintiff files a lawsuit after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the court has the right to dismiss the case forever. This is true regardless of how strong the claim is. With so much at stake, it must be filed on time. The team at Douglas & London can work with you to ensure all deadlines are met.

For a personal injury claim, the statute of limitations expires three years from the date of the injury. If the injury is fatal, the victim’s estate has only two years to seek compensation.

Call our team of Brooklyn Heights personal injury lawyers

If you believe you have a viable injury claim, we look forward to hearing about your case. We never charge for an initial consultation, and there is no obligation when you meet with our team. Call Douglas & London today to schedule a free case evaluation.