Do I Have to Report a Minor Car Accident in New York?

Fender benders, rear-end collisions, and low-speed sideswipes are common occurrences in New York, especially during peak traffic hours. If the crash was seemingly minor, do you have to report it? That depends on the following:

Was any driver, passenger, or pedestrian injured in the accident? Did any party incur property damage totaling more than $1,000? If you answered yes to either of these queries, then you– and all involved drivers– are required by New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law to report it.

Further, all involved parties must submit the MV-1044 form to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles within 10 days. Beyond alerting the DMV, you must notify the police immediately if anyone is injured or killed. Under these circumstances, it is illegal to leave the scene of a motor vehicle collision in New York.

For further information about the legal ramifications of filing a car accident report, contact the New York City car accident lawyers at Douglas & London. We provide clarity to complex issues and can explain your rights to seeking compensation against any negligent parties.

Filing an MV-104 accident report in New York

Qualifying accidents that take place anywhere in New York State must be reported using the MV-104 form. A failure to do this within the 10-day deadline can result in a misdemeanor charge, as well as license and registration suspension.

The form asks for precise details, regardless if the accident involved one vehicle, multiple cars, an unoccupied vehicle, a pedestrian, cyclist, or stationary object.

  • Name, address, and date of birth of all drivers
  • Driver’s license numbers and issuing state
  • The license plate number and state of both drivers
  • Name & address of every insurance policyholder
  • Insurance name and contact information
  • Name & address of all involved registered vehicle owners
  • Vehicle damage description
  • Description of where the accident took place
  • Description of any injuries that were sustained

The DMV accident report is not utilized to assign fault or liability, but it does go on the records of all parties involved. If an insurance claim is inevitable, you or your personal injury lawyer can obtain a copy of it.

The reports are usually made available online within 2 weeks of the accident if the police officer filed it electronically. Otherwise, it may take up to one month. You can also request that a certified copy be mailed to your address for a nominal fee.

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DMV criteria for minor property damage or injured animals

If the accident resulted in property damage of $1,000 or less, you are asked to exchange pertinent information with all involved drivers. This includes your driver’s license number, insurance, and registration information.

In situations where a domestic animal is injured, or you hit a parked vehicle or stationary object, you are required to try to locate the owner or contact the police.

Trust your car accident claim to Douglas & London

Insurance claim disputes are all too common, leaving injury victims vulnerable to insufficient settlements that will not cover the full extent of their medical expenses, diminished earnings, and ongoing recovery. At Douglas & London, we know how the system works and can gather evidence to build a strong claim on your behalf.

We have collected millions of dollars in damages for clients, and our case results speak to our investigative skills and negotiating prowess. Put our resources and expertise in personal injury law to work for you. Call our office and request a free, confidential case review with our New York City personal injury lawyers. Don’t worry about legal fees. We handle all motor vehicle accident claims on a contingency basis, allowing our clients to focus on their health and recovery.