Chelsea Personal Injury Lawyers

Douglas and London’s Chelsea personal injury lawyers have the experience, resources, and reputation necessary to secure maximum compensation on accident claims in New York. Whether you were injured in a car accident or slip-and-fall, our team will hold liable parties accountable. We are compassionate with our clients but aggressive at the negotiating table, never backing down from what your case is truly worth.

We understand the emotional and financial toll a personal injury can take on your family. We offer free consultations and representation with no retainer fee or upfront costs. In fact, you only pay for our services if we give you exactly what you came here for– the successful recovery of fair compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses. Contact us for a free case review.  

Is your claim a personal injury case?

You may have grounds to sue in a personal injury lawsuit IF:

  • You recently sustained a serious injury to your body, mind, and/or emotional wellbeing.
  • Your injury was at least partially caused by another person, business entity, or government agency.
  • It has been less than three years since the date of your accident.

The most common personal injury cases involve motor vehicle accidents, construction site injuries, broken elevators, or slip, trip, and fall accidents. A personal injury lawsuit differs from a property lawsuit, allowing you to seek personal damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contacting a personal injury attorney can assist you in the investigation, preparation of evidence, and negotiations.

Physical injuries worth suing for

If you recover fully from your injuries within a week or two, your case will not be strong. The courts look for what they consider to be “serious” injuries, which may include:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussions and brain injury
  • Disfiguring scars or burns
  • Dog bites
  • Internal perforations
  • Joint injuries
  • Loss of a thumb, finger, or hand
  • Loss of mobility
  • Spinal cord and nerve damage

Ongoing chronic pain lost time off work, and disturbance of day-to-day activities can all be indicators of serious injury. New York State further defines the serious injury threshold as an injury or illness that prevents you from performing your day-to-day activities for at least 90 out of the 180 days following the accident.

Steps to strengthen your personal injury claim

When you hire Douglas and London to handle your personal injury claim, we do all the investigating and evidence collection for you. We consult with medical experts, forensic economists, accident reconstructionists, and other specialists to build the strongest case for you. We recommend that you seek immediate medical attention after suffering an accident, even if you think you’re alright or “just a little bit sore.”

Delay of medical attention can be a big problem for any personal injury claim. Avoid settling with the insurance company directly, as their first offer is likely less than a third of what your claim is worth. Contact our Douglas and London team of Chelsea personal injury lawyersas soon as possible to discuss the possibility of a lawsuit.